You belong in the room

Hello STARLIGHT community! I am sending you the biggest hug and reminding you how important you are. For this post I want us to start addressing "imposter syndrome". 

Oxford defines "Imposter syndrome" as the persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills.

What's interesting is that before some of us even get to the success we've been dreaming and working towards, we can already be struggling with feelings and beliefs of inadequacy. We are constantly comparing ourselves to others, our gifts and talents are often scrutinized and we struggle with enjoying the process.

I want to share one of my favorite podcast episodes from one of my aspirational mentors Dr. Thema. I've listened to this more times than I can count! I'm going to listen to it again this weekend. 
"Addressing Self Abandonment"

You belong in every room you enter! You are not a stray animal that is underneath the table begging for crumbs, you are STARLIGHT. You don't need everyone to believe in you or like you in order for you to walk in your dreams, make a living doing what you love and to make a positive impact in this world. Spend time nurturing your heart, mind and body just as much as you do your craft. Speak to yourself and treat yourself like you would treat someone you love.

This is also a beautiful song I've been listening to on repeat and wanted to pass along. Janine "Lovin' Me.

What is a way you can be kinder to yourself and nurture your heart?

*This post's pic is recent and one of my favorite sunset photos I've ever taken. You are even more lovely and precious than this sunset! A human being is even more marvelous than a sunset, beach- all of nature and creation!